
Care should be taken when selecting a Worm wheel reduction gearbox for a new application. There are many factors that can affect the service life of the unit. The correct selection must be made to ensure the efficiency of the reducer.

Some of these factors including service, load, torque etc. are shown in the following information.

Note: THESE RATINGS ARE ONLY A GUIDE. Ratings shown are compiled using standard engineering procedures. Aline Trading P/L does not guarantee ratings in specific applications. Prototype testing of every application is recommended before production.  


Worm wheel reduction gearboxes are made in many styles and sizes. The size of the gearbox is referred to as the “Frame Size”. The frame size is the distance measured between the centre lines of the input and output shafts in mm. This size increases with the capacity of the gearbox and is often shown on the side of the main housing as a number in raised lettering. E.G., 60.

The standard frame sizes offered in our range of single start boxes are:

40 – 50 – 60 – 70 – 80 – 100 – 120 – 135 – 155 – 175 – 200 – 250

Gear Ratio

Once the frame size has been established you must then select the gear ratio. Gear ratios offered in our range of single reduction boxes are:

5:1 – 10:1 – 15:1 – 20:1 – 25:1 – 30:1 – 40:1 – 50:1 – 60:1

These ratios are available in all frame sizes.

Larger ratios are available in the more advanced models.

Input Shaft Speed

General input shaft speed is 600-1500 RPM. The maximum is 1800 RPM.

The minimum speed of 300 RPM is shown on most charts does not illustrate the lowest recommended input speed. The unit will run efficiently at speeds down to and below 100 rpm with greatly reduced horsepower capacity. Low speeds may also affect the efficiency of lubrication.

Worm boxes are generally driven by a drive motor but can also be used with a hand drive device when required.

Output Shaft Speed

Depends on the input shaft speed and the reduction ratio.


The transmission torque of the reducer depends upon the force that causes the output shaft to rotate and the rotary radius. See diagram below.

Note: Maximum momentary (starting) torque is limited to 25% of rated capacity.


Efficiency calculations may be made by dividing HP OUTPUT by HP INPUT.

When only the output torque and input horsepower is known, the output torque may be converted to HP by the following:

HP Output = Output Torque x RPM Output divided by 63,025

Thermal Capacity

The thermal capacity of the Aline unit = the maximum capacity that it can operate at a temp not exceeding 80 deg C. Operation over this temp will require additional cooling provisions.

A run in period of approx. 50 hours is normally required for worm type reducers.


The reducer should be filled with the appropriate oil to the centre of the oil gauge before putting into service.

Excessive oil levels result in higher operating temperatures and are as undesirable as using too little oil.

After approximately 85 hours of operation the reducer must be drained, flushed thoroughly with light oil and refilled with fresh recommended oil.

This flushing and refilling should be repeated every 2500 hours.

We use and recommend SAE 320 oil for most normal applications.

Overhung Load

Shaft or housing damage can be caused by excessive overhung load on the output shaft. The O.H.L should be included in calculations for new applications.

Type of Drive O.H.L factor
Sprocket 1.00
Gear 1.25
V-Belt 1.50
Flat Belt 2.50
Uniform Load Free From Shock
Conveyors Uniform Loads
Pumps Centrifugal, Rotary
Compressors Vane Type
Mixers Constant Density
Moderate Shock
Conveyors Not Uniform feed
Pumps Reciprocating
Mixers Variable Density
Heavy Shock Load Constant Shock
Conveyors Not uniform feed
Hammer Mills
Prime Mover

Duration of Service

Per Day. (1)

Driven Machine

Load Classification








 Intermittent 2 hrs 0.9 1.00 1.25
 Occasional 1/2 hr 0.8 0.9 1.00
 10 hrs 1.00 1.25 1.50
 24 hrs 1.25 1.50 1.75

Electric Motor

With Frequent

Starts & Stops

 Intermittent 2 hrs 1.00 1.25 1.50
 Occasional 1/2 hr 0.9 1.00 1.25
 10 hrs 1.25 1.50 1.75
 24 hrs 1.50 1.75 2.00

Multi Cylinder



 Intermittent 2 hrs 1.00 1.25 1.50
 Occasional 1/2 hr 0.90 1.00 1.25
 10 hrs 1.25 1.50 1.75
 24 hrs 1.50 1.75 2.00

Single Cylinder



 Intermittent 2 hrs 1.25 1.15 1.75
 Occasional 1/2 hr 1.00 1.25 1.50
 10 hr 1.50 1.75 2.00
 24 hrs 1.75 2.00 2.25
Note: Intermittent & occasional service refers to TOTAL operating period per day. “Frequent Start & Stops” refers to more than 10 starts per hr.

When ordering a Worm Wheel Reduction Gearbox, please specify the following:

1. Worm frame size.

2. Gear ratio.

3. Input motor information. Power, speed (RPM), type. If flange mount electric motors please specify the mount details/dimensions required.

4. Mounting arrangement required.

5. Output shaft arrangement.

Horsepower and Torque Rating Tables

These figures are indicative for standard worm drive boxes like FCA or FCWA models and reflect conditions under perfect drive. Refer to the factor chart for various applications.

Based on a Duty Cycle of 8-10 hours per day continuous.

Torque is in kg-Metres

OHL is Overhung Load in Kgs.

INPUT RPM180015001200900600300
OUTPUT TORQUE kg-m3.954.474.805.335.435.43
OUTPUT OHL kg90100110120140200
 60    INPUT HP2.522.011.761.521.19.64
 OUTPUT HP1.781.631.411.20.92.48
 OUTPUT TORQUE kg-m7.097.828.459.621111.6
 OUTPUT OHL kg90100110120140200
 70    INPUT HP 3.27 3.01 2.682.241.751.15
 OUTPUT HP  2.69 2.45 2.161.791.36.86
 OUTPUT TORQUE kg-M 10.7 11.7 12.914.316.320.7
 OUTPUT OHL kg 140 150 160170200300
 80    INPUT HP 4.50 4.36 3.813.202.571.56
 OUTPUT HP 3.27 3.55 3.08 2.562.011.18
 OUTPUT TORQUE kg-m 14.8 17.0 18.4 20.524.028.3
 OUTPUT OHL kg 160 180 200 230270 400
 100    INPUT HP 6.50 5.98 5.26 4.493.512.27
 OUTPUT HP 5.37 4.90 4.30 3.64 2.781.74
 OUTPUT TORQUE kg-m 21.4 23.4 25.7 29.0 33.241.5
 OUTPUT OHL kg 190 200 220 240 300440
 120    INPUT HP10.710.18.58 7.40 5.753.74
 OUTPUT HP8.898.357.03 6.01 4.602.89
 OUTPUT TORQUE kg-m35.439.942.0 47.9 55.069.1
 OUTPUT OHL kg250260280 300 350520
 135     INPUT HP17.716.514.2 12.0 9.54 6.20
 OUTPUT HP15.013.911.9 10.0 7.834.94
 OUTPUT TORQUE kg-m59.766.471.0 79.6 93.5117
 OUTPUT OHL kg330340360 440 500800
INPUT RPM180015001200900600300
50INPUT HP0.71 0.63 0.550.480.350.17
OUTPUT HP0.50 0.44 0.380.320.230.11
OUTPUT TORQUE kg-m4.00 4.25 4.585.075.435.43
OUTPUT OHL kg130 140 155170 200200
 60    INPUT HP 1.18 1.06 0.950.79  0.64 0.37
 OUTPUT HP 0.89 0.79 0.690.57 0.44 0.24
 OUTPUT TORQUE kg-m 7.09  7.58 8.209.00 10.4 11.6
 OUTPUT  OHL kg 130 140 155 170 200 200
 70    INPUT HP 1.83 1.66 1.44 1.17 0.86 0.50
 OUTPUT HP  1.42 1.27 1.09 0.87 0.62 0.34
 OUTPUT TORQUE kg-M 11.3 12.1 13.0 13.9 14.7 16.0
 OUTPUT OHL kg 210 230 250 270 300 300
 80    INPUT HP 2.48 2.25 1.97 1.65 1.32 0.87
 OUTPUT HP 1.91 1.71 1.47 1.21 0.93 0.57
 OUTPUT TORQUE kg-m 15.2 16.3 17.5 19.2 22.3 27.3
 OUTPUT OHL kg 270 280 320 360 400 400
 100    INPUT HP 4.42 3.99 3.48 2.92 2.31 1.51
 OUTPUT HP 3.52 3.14 2.71 2.23 1.73 1.06
 OUTPUT TORQUE kg-m 28.0 30.0 32.3 35.5 41.3 50.0
 OUTPUT OHL kg 250 270 300 340 450 450
 120    INPUT HP 6.85 6.31 5.53 4.68 3.70 1.95
 OUTPUT HP 5.40 4.92 4.26 3.53 2.71 1.68
 OUTPUT TORQUE kg-m 43.0 47.0 50.9 56.2 64.6 80.0
 OUTPUT OHL kg 370 390 420 460 520 520
 135     INPUT HP 10.3 9.26 8.14 6.79 5.36 3.47
 OUTPUT HP 8.39 7.47 6.48 5.33 4.13 2.54
 OUTPUT TORQUE kg-m 66.8 71.3 77.4 84.9 98.6 121
 OUTPUT OHL kg 570 600 660 760 810 810
INPUT RPM180015001200900600300
50INPUT HP0.62 0.55 0.45 0.36 0.250.13
OUTPUT HP0.42 0.37 0.30 0.23 0.160.08
OUTPUT TORQUE kg-m5.02 5.31 5.43 5.49 5.435.43
OUTPUT OHL kg150 170 180 200 200200
 60    INPUT HP1.07 0.98 0.87 0.740.52 0.28
 OUTPUT HP0.75 0.67 0.58 0.48 0.320.16
 OUTPUT TORQUE kg-m9.0 9.60 10.3 11.15 11.611.6
 OUTPUT OHL kg150 170 180 200 200200
 70    INPUT HP1.56 1.41 1.26 1.06 0.850.43
 OUTPUT HP 1.12 0.98 0.85 0.71 0.530.29
 OUTPUT TORQUE kg-M13.4 14.2 15.2 17.0 19.020.5
 OUTPUT OHL kg240 260 280 300 300300
 80    INPUT HP2.09 1.90 1.65 1.431.140.75
 OUTPUT HP1.51 1.34 1.14 0.960.73 0.44
 OUTPUT TORQUE kg-m18.1 19.2 20.5 22.926.231.4
 OUTPUT OHL kg320 340 360 400400400
 100    INPUT HP3.69 3.33 2.93 2.47 1.971.15
 OUTPUT HP2.70 2.40 2.06 1.71 1.300.70
 OUTPUT TORQUE kg-m32.2 34.4 36.9 40.8 46.850.0
 OUTPUT OHL kg320 340 370 450 450450
 120    INPUT HP6.27 5.68 5.00 4.18 3.391.89
 OUTPUT HP4.64 4.15 3.59 2.92 2.271.17
 OUTPUT TORQUE kg-m55.4 59.4 64.3 69.8 81.484.0
 OUTPUT OHL kg450 470 500 520 520520
 135     INPUT HP8.76 7.87 6.86 5.82 4.643.02
 OUTPUT HP6.65 5.90 5.07 4.20 3.231.96
 OUTPUT TORQUE kg-m79.4 84.5 90.8 100 116140
 OUTPUT OHL kg680 710 710 810 810810
INPUT RPM180015001200900600300
50INPUT HP0.470.43 0.390.32 0.220.11
OUTPUT HP0.0280.25 0.22 0.17 0.120.06
OUTPUT TORQUE kg-m4.534.82 5.41 5.43 5.435.43
OUTPUT OHL kg170180200200200200
 60    INPUT HP0.780.710.640.540.430.24
 OUTPUT HP0.510.450.390.320.240.12
 OUTPUT TORQUE kg-m8.068.609.2010.311.511.6
 OUTPUT OHL kg170180200200200200
 70    INPUT HP1.181.070.94 0.770.560.33
 OUTPUT HP 0.810.72 0.62 0.490.340.18
 OUTPUT TORQUE kg-M12.913.714.8 15.516.217.4
 OUTPUT OHL kg270280300 300300300
 80    INPUT HP1.601.47 1.29 1.100.860.54
 OUTPUT HP1.080.96 0.83 0.68 0.520.30
 OUTPUT TORQUE kg-m17.218.3 19.7 21.8 24.728.0
 OUTPUT OHL kg340360 400 400 400400
 100    INPUT HP2.78 2.52 2.20 1.88 1.480.89
 OUTPUT HP2.00 1.77 1.52 1.26 0.960.52
 OUTPUT TORQUE kg-m31.8 33.8 36.3 40.2 45.750.0
 OUTPUT OHL kg350 380 450 450 450450
 120    INPUT HP4.48 4.07 3.56 3.03 2.441.57
 OUTPUT HP3.13 2.79 2.99 1.97 1.510.88
 OUTPUT TORQUE kg-m49.8 53.2 57.1 62.8 72.284.0
 OUTPUT OHL kg500 500 520 520 520520
 135     INPUT HP6.44 5.74 5.06 4.38 3.402.18
 OUTPUT HP4.79 4.22 3.64 3.06 2.311.36
 OUTPUT TORQUE kg-m76.3 80.7 86.9 97.4 110130
 OUTPUT OHL kg710 770 810 810 810810
INPUT RPM180015001200900600300
50INPUT HP0.39 0.370.310.260.180.09
OUTPUT TORQUE kg-m4.62 4.915.195.435.435.43
OUTPUT OHL kg200 200206200200 200
 60    INPUT HP0.61 0.55 0.51 0.43 0.350.20
 OUTPUT HP0.36 0.32 0.28 0.23 0.170.09
 OUTPUT TORQUE kg-m7.10 7.60 8.30 9.10 10.211.6
 OUTPUT OHL kg180 200 200 200 200200
 70    INPUT HP0.87 0.79 0.71 0.61 0.500.30
 OUTPUT HP 0.52 0.46 0.40 0.33 0.250.15
 OUTPUT TORQUE kg-M10.4 11.0 11.9 13.1 14.817.4
 OUTPUT OHL kg280 300 300 300 300300
 80    INPUT HP1.28 1.17 1.05 0.88 0.720.45
 OUTPUT HP0.84 0.75 0.65 0.53 0.400.23
 OUTPUT TORQUE kg-m16.8 17.8 19.3 21.2 23.928.0
 OUTPUT OHL kg360 400 400 400 400400
 100    INPUT HP2.78 2.52 2.20 1.88 1.480.89
 OUTPUT HP2.00 1.77 1.52 1.26 0.960.52
 OUTPUT TORQUE kg-m31.8 33.8 36.3 40.2 45.750.0
 OUTPUT OHL kg350 380 450 450 450450
 120    INPUT HP3.64 3.28 2.90  2.47 1.911.19
 OUTPUT HP2.61 2.31 2.01 1.66 1.240.70
 OUTPUT TORQUE kg-m52.0 55.2 60.1 66.0 74.284.0
 OUTPUT OHL kg500 520 520 520 520520
 135     INPUT HP4.84 4.41 3.90 3.34 2.611.69
 OUTPUT HP3.52 3.16 2.73 2.26 1.711.01
 OUTPUT TORQUE kg-m70.0 75.5 81.4 90.1 102120
 OUTPUT OHL kg770 810 810 810 810810
INPUT RPM 1800 1500 1200 900 600 300
50 INPUT HP 0.33  0.30  0.26  0.23  0.15 0.07
OUTPUT HP 0.18  0.16  0.13  0.11  0.07 0.03
OUTPUT TORQUE kg-m 4.31  4.61  4.83  5.41  5.43 5.43
OUTPUT OHL kg 200  200  200  200  200 200
 60     INPUT HP 0.51  0.47  0.42  0.35  0.29 0.19
 OUTPUT HP 0.29  0.26  0.22  0.18  0.14 0.08
 OUTPUT TORQUE kg-m 6.90  7.40  8.00  8.70  9.70 11.3
 OUTPUT OHL kg 200  200  200  200  200 200
 70     INPUT HP 0.75  0.68  0.63  0.51  0.43 0.28
 OUTPUT HP 0.44  0.39  0.34  0.27  0.21 0.12
 OUTPUT TORQUE kg-M 10.4  11.1  12.0  13.1  14.7 17.1
 OUTPUT OHL kg 300  300  300  300  300 300
 80     INPUT HP 1.03  0.95  0.85  0.73  0.58 0.39
 OUTPUT HP 0.62  0.55  0.48  0.39  0.29 0.17
 OUTPUT TORQUE kg-m 14.9  15.7  17.2  18.7  21.0 24.6
 OUTPUT OHL kg 400  400  400  400  400 400
 100     INPUT HP 1.87  1.70  1.53  1.28  1.02 0.65
 OUTPUT HP 1.26  1.12  0.97  0.80  0.59 0.34
 OUTPUT TORQUE kg-m 30.0  32.0  34.6  38.0  42.4 49.3
 OUTPUT OHL kg 400  450  450  450  450 450
 120     INPUT HP 2.89  2.65  2.36  2.04  1.45 0.96
 OUTPUT HP 1.98  1.76  1.53  1.26  0.94 0.56
 OUTPUT TORQUE kg-m 47.4  50.4  54.9  60.1  67.6 80.0
 OUTPUT OHL kg 520  520  520  520  520 520
 135      INPUT HP  3.65  3.58  3.16  2.74  2.11  1.37
 OUTPUT HP  2.55  2.40  2.12  1.76  1.32  0.77
 OUTPUT TORQUE kg-m  60.8  70.0  76.0  83.9  94.4  111
 OUTPUT OHL kg  810  810  810  810  810  810


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